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Eat Well Live Well Be Well

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Here's what others have to say about ELB Well

Larry Jackson

After careers in the military and law enforcement, Larry Jackson was not prone to asking for help. But when a visit to his physician revealed that his A1C, which is the measurement of glucose-attached hemoglobin in the blood in diabetics, was in a dangerous place he knew he had to do something. The preferred A1C for those who are pre-diabetic to diabetic is five to seven percent. Jackson’s had hit a whopping 13%. A point where vision, energy and kidney problems can begin. Having witnessed his sister Brenda’s healthy changes during a family holiday gathering and having enjoyed the delicious benefits of pre-packaged meals she was known to make; he knew there was an answer close to home. So, swallowing his pride, and doing what many men would have chosen not to do, he asked his sister for help. He asked her to introduce him to the nutritional lifestyle changes she had made and was living successfully. Jackson then partnered with the ELB Well Movement.

When the husband, father of three and grandfather of three, was originally diagnosed with diabetes, he was not happy. “I told the doctor, you’re a damn lie. I told him you’ve misdiagnosed me.”

Once those emotions subsided, he, like many Type 2 diabetics began a medication regimen that included Metformin and Ozempic, along with a cocktail of other medications to protect the kidneys and thwart an increase in blood pressure.properly.

The 66-year-old also had to face his truths and some facts. He had not been watching what he was eating. He wasn’t always taking his medication properly. And he wasn’t habitually checking his levels. Plus, in his 23-year career with the Miami-Dade Police Department, Jackson took on multiple extra shifts, many overnight. It was during that time that Red Bull (27 grams of sugar), colada and fast food became his partners. Colada is a strong Cuban espresso with loads of sugar. They are typically served in 10-ounce cups with mini-shot-size plastic cups for sharing. Jackson however was consuming the full 10-ounce cup alone, ingesting 28 grams of sugar.

An avid angler, and the cook in his household, making the necessary changes to his food choices and food preparation was not difficult for Jackson. “It’s all about mindset. Once I decided I needed help and I asked for help. I did what I needed to do.”

Fortunately, the cooking skills he gleaned from his late father and grew up are (his sister Brenda and brother Herman are also top-notch cooks) helped eating better easier. Jackson began the ELB Well program with the 16-Day Detox. This detox eliminates all animal products and gradually eliminates food groups up the pyramid. By the end of tract, those brave enough to undertake it, are able to handle a raw, vegan diet. Jackson gets excited talking about the fun he has in creating a variety of tastes in vegan dishes for he and the family, although he admits his wife, daughter and grandkids wanted meat.

A key adjustment for the 27-year Army veteran was not cooking vegetables with meat, instead infusing things like Liquid Smoke. Now, when he does cook meat, it is from the catch of fish he is known to haul in and that works wonderfully, since the grandkids love fish. One of his favorite dishes to cook is baked cabbage steaks.

“I’m a cabbage fiend. I love me some cabbage. Your grab a cabbage, cut it about two inches thick, you’ll probably end up with about four nice sized steaks. You get some garlic butter and brush it on both sides. Then season one side to your taste. On the side of that, I sauté some onions and mushrooms, so I have something to go over that cabbage and man…” Jackson says you can do the same with cauliflower. Both are now highly requested family meals.

Jackson’s last A1C numbers were down to just a little over seven. Doctors have decreased his diabetes medication and are amazed at the progress he’s made. The plan is to begin to wean him off many of the medications that he has been taking; and one doctor even asked for the ELB Well information for his wife.

For men who really don’t like asking for assistance and would rather be unhealthy than say help me do better, Jackson has some advice.

“The first thing you have to do is take a look at yourself, you can’t point fingers anywhere else except at that person you are looking at in the mirror and accept what you see. For a lot of men, asking for help is seen as a sign of weakness. You don’t want to show weakness as a man, head of the household, but there comes a time when you have to take that pride and stick it in your backpack and go ask for help.”

Other praiseworthy progress on the ELB Well program for Jackson is the difference he feels in his body. He says it feels like working on a construction site all day, being covered in concrete and then taking a hot shower at the end of the day. You feel everything wash off you. Plus, he is enjoying the reduction in a beer belly and noticing the change in how his clothes fit. He is no longer fueled by fast food and high caffeine and excessively sweetened drinks. Jackson says he feels good and he’s paying attention to what he needs to do to be healthy; and trying to keep his family from sneaking off with his prepped meals.


How It Works!

Make A Decision

  • Change your mindset and make a conscious effort and decision to change your life. 
  • Get rid of your limiting beliefs
  • Detox you mind of the rhetoric and myths about food and fad diets.
  •  Connect with the ELB Well Tribe

Let's Get Started

It's Just That Simple

Eat Well

Once you have completed registration, you will have a full webinar with an ELB Well Coach. We will tailor a plan that fits your needs and lifestyle; with structured meal plans and shopping lists. You will have all of the tools you need to Eat well.

Live Well

There are many options for fitness and exercise. We recommend getting a Fitbit to monitor your daily steps. There are also phone apps that do the same. We also promote other healthy alternatives, like dry skin brushing, rebounding and yoga. We will equip you to Live well.

Be Well

Once your body gets to a state of continuous healing, you will look and feel great! We offer follow-up sessions with your coach. We also have many options for maintaining the work you have done. Plus Life Line Coaching Sessions for that extra push. We want you healthy so that all will Be well.

Free Consultation

We Have Something For Eveyone

The coaches of Eat Well Live Well Be Well have developed a system that will be tailored to each individual according to their lifestyle and needs. Our goal is to help individuals meet set realistic life long goals for their health and reach them. We are passionate about changing and adding years to your life. We invite you to Join The Journey with us.

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It's Time To Make A Change!

Eat Well Live Well Be Well is ready to help you and our tribe is here to support you. Choose life by clicking the link below.